Hungary drink scam

Location: Budapest, Hungary

On our way to most destinations, we skimmed Lonely Planet to learn about a country's history, culture, etc. On the train to Budapest, Lonely Planet informed us of a scam that's common in Hungary: tourists are lured to a bar, encouraged to buy drinks without knowing the prices, and later find out that e.g. a beer cost $100 instead of the $5 they were expecting.

On our second night in Budapest, we were wandering around town looking for something to do. We walked by a side street that was deserted, except for two attractive girls who were holding a map. They called out to us. They said they were tourists and asked if we knew of any cool bars in the area.

After pretending to examine the map with us for about 10 seconds, they suddenly "remembered" that they had "heard of" an awesome bar that was nearby. They led us directly to the bar, which was a block away. The doorman nodded at them.

The bar seemed to be a hotel restaurant bar. It was brightly lit and almost empty. We sat down and looked at the drink menu. It had no prices. We made a big show of choosing drinks. The waiter came over, and we asked how much our selections would cost. He was flustered. He finally said that he would have to look up the prices, and walked away.

"The drinks cost the normal price for drinks," said one of the girls. "Just order. Don't you want to have drinks with us?"

"This bar sucks. Let's go look for a different bar," we countered.

The girls didn't want to leave with us. We acted hurt. Eventually they realized that we were aware of the scam and gave up any pretense of being interested in us. One of the girls lit a cigarette and motioned for the bartender to bring her a drink. Her usual, I'm sure, at the bar she had only just heard of.

We left the girls and walked towards the exit. Two enormous bouncers moved to block our path, but there was some confusion, as we hadn't ordered drinks. I'm sure they were used to detaining tourists who didn't want to pay. We slipped past them and hurried to a nearby street that had some foot traffic.

It was fun to play along with the scam, but we may have been in a bit more danger than we had anticipated.


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